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Berta Film Catalogue
Showing 1–16 of 65 results
Berta Film Catalogue
21 Paradise (2018)
21 key moments in the life of a couple in 21 sequence shots filmed in 16 mm, following the lives[..]
Autoritratto Con Arma (2021)
Self-portrait with a gun is a coming-of-age short-film set in the Italian countryside in the early 2000s. A divorced father,[..]
Border (2018)
Border (2018) by Ali Abbasi is a Swedish fantasy film based on a short story by John Ajvide Lindqvist. It[..]
Borderland (2021)
Eugenio Barba is the unquestioned master of world theatre that the 20th century generated. In the Danish town of Holstebro,[..]
Borealis (2020)
In his new feature documentary Borealis, acclaimed director Kevin McMahon (Waterlife) travels deep into the heart of the boreal forest to explore[..]
Dadalove (2021)
The documentary is about a very particular theater company located in Palermo. It is the company of the DaDaDaùn Alchemical[..]
Debut (2018)
Eleven out of over 1,500 women who are detained in a Belarus prison for first-time offenders have volunteered to take[..]
Duet for Solo Piano (2022)
Eve Egoyan is one of the world’s most sought-after interpreters of contemporary new music and is recognized as being one[..]
For the Left Hand (2021)
At age 10, aspiring pianist Norman Malone is paralyzed on his right side after being attacked by his father. Over[..]
Greetings from Austin (2018)
A talented Sicilian rockabilly trio is called to Texas to challenge the best American musicians. In five at Austin's prestigious[..]
Hanna and the Buckskin (2022)
A coming of age story set in the rugged high country of western Wyoming. Hanna and the Buckskin chronicles the[..]
I’ll Be Frank (2022)
After receiving a German passport, a young jewish man takes to his grandfather’s memoir to understand his connection to his[..]
Il Corvo e la Balena (2019)
Director Mirjam Leuze’s The Whale and the Raven illuminates the many issues that have drawn whale researchers, the Gitga’at First Nation, and[..]
La Carovana Bianca (2021)
Sinossi: Uno spaccato acuto e gentile di un'umanità in stasi, un microcosmo che si fa specchio di un'intera società travolta[..]
La Casa Rossa (2021)
Robert Peroni, ex esploratore altoatesino, trent'anni fa molla tutto per trasferirsi nella Groenlandia orientale, dove vive una popolazione che sembra[..]
La Fabbrica dell’Italiano (2021)
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