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Berta Film Catalogue
Showing 33–48 of 65 results
Berta Film Catalogue
The Young Karl Marx (2017)
The Young Karl Marx chronicles the early years of Karl Marx's life, focusing on his friendship with Friedrich Engels and[..]
Tutto è qui (2022)
Sinossi: Una maestra, i suoi alunni e un’anziana donna si rifiutano di abbandonare un piccolo borgo nel centro Italia distrutto[..]
Un luogo infinito (2022)
Synopsis: Stunning silence is the first sensation one feels when entering the Certosa di Firenze. A balance between body and[..]
Uomo e Terra – Un solo destino (2020)
When Jennifer Abbott lost her sister to cancer, her sorrow opened her up to the profound gravity of climate breakdown.[..]
Welcome To Spain (2021)
Whorehouse turned into a refugee center in Seville, Spain. That is the setting of this uplifting and 'pop' human interest[..]
Under The Same Sun (2020)
For more than a century, Azerbaijan and Armenia have been fighting over Nagorno-Karabakh, an autonomous region in Azerbaijan with an[..]
Space Cleaners (2019)
The human race has been trying to implement space travel for decades. However, due to nearly 750,000 uncontrolled objects of[..]
Cornered in Molenbek (2018)
Cornered in Molenbeek follows the ins and outs of the everyday life in this sleepy corner of Brussels, generally a[..]
Call me Intern (2019)
Unpaid interns strike back. Frustrated by the injustices of unpaid internships, Nathalie and David set out to land an internship[..]
Europa (2021)
KAMAL, a young Iraqi man entering Europe on foot through the border between Turkey and Bulgaria, is captured by[..]
Granny Project (2017)
A seven year long investigation of three young men coming to terms with their heritage through the extraordinary lives of[..]
Life is But a Dream (2018)
An ultra-Orthodox American Jew moves with his family to a small illegal Israeli outpost in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Undoubtedly[..]
Paperman (2019)
A story of redemption. The life of an artist, undeniably an extraordinary man, who faces a challenge that could change[..]
Pensati con il cuore (2019)
[ITA] Pensati con il cuore è una docu-serie di otto puntate che racconta otto storie di persone e associazioni[..]
Piigs (2017)
A documentary that challenges prevalent European budgetary policies and the austerity dogma. Specifically, austerity policies keep dividing the continent into[..]
Roma Termini (2014)
Roma Termini, Italy’s busiest station, with 480,000 passengers in transit everyday. This documentary is a lucid account of four men[..]
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